
Contraceptive Practices in Teaching Hospitals

Population Communication conducted a survey of contraceptive practices in teaching hospitals in Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Nigeria and the Philippines. Respondents received a copy of, “Contraceptive Technology: the 19th Edition,”edited by Robert Hatcher. Atiqur Rahman Khan, who has had numerous positions in the government of Bangladesh, conducted the one-page survey in Bangladesh. Dr. Osama Refaat, Deputy Director of the Regional Center for Training in Family Planning and Reproductive Health of the OB/GY Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, was the principal investigator in Egypt. Dr. Felix Barrah (Director, El Norf Clinic and Maternity Gombe) conducted the survey in Nigeria, and Dr. Fides Rodriguez-Ababon (Chairperson, Department of OB\GYN, Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc. & DMSFI Hospital) in the Philippines. The responses from India were sent directly from the teaching hospitals. The bar charts giving the preliminary responses are available upon request.
