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Gillespie Foundation 2022 Report

The Gillespie Foundation funded a Partners in Population and Development book titled, “Ageing: Learning from the Global South,” which included chapters on China, Ghana, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa and Vietnam. The book was released at the annual PPD meeting in Senegal. The Gillespie Foundation funded the PPD book, “Population Trends and Policy Options in Selected Developing Countries,” with chapters focused on population stabilization for Bangladesh, Ghana, Kenya, Bihar (India), Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Uganda and Zimbabwe, is being updated. Currently additional reports are on the website from Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uttar Pradesh (India), Madagascar, Pakistan, Philippines, and Yemen. We are in the process of editing the report from Cameroon. Both PPD books and updated reports are available upon request. Constructive comments and recommendations have been received from Toshiko Kaneda of the PPB, Joe Speidel of the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health at the University of California at San Francisco, as well as consultants and population centers in Asia and Africa.

I was the resident representative of the Population Council in South Asia. John D. Rockefeller III and his wife Blanchette visited Taiwan in 1965. I encouraged Mr. Rockefeller to prepare a population statement that would be signed by world leaders. On Human Rights Day 1967, 30 heads of government signed the statement prior to a presentation to Secretary-General U Thant at the United Nations. To date 75 heads of government have signed the statement on population stabilization that I authored. Copies of the population stabilization statement and population projections based on total fertility rates of 1, 2 and 3, the desired family size as reported in the latest DHS, and current TFRs as reported by the PRB will be sent to all 75 heads of government as well as cabinet members, governors-general, parliamentarians and women, youth, business, religious, judicial and labor leaders.

The Gillespie Foundation has funded Population Communication to explore the answers to three fundamental questions: 1. When and under what circumstances will couples want and have replacement size families to achieve population stabilization? 2. When and under what circumstances will all finite resources – principally gas, oil and coal – be depleted until they reach zero? 3. When and under what circumstances, as fossil fuels are depleted and habitats collapse, will the movement of humans between rural and urban areas as well as sovereign territories result in lifestyles and livelihoods that are sustainable?

The Gillespie Foundation and Population Communication’s overhead and projects are funded by income from real estate holdings owned by the Gillespie Family. An endowment has been established to update the population reports and projections.

You can download for free an app we have commissioned from the Apple store. The India Vital Statistics app links population to the following vital signs: arable land lost (soil lost this year in tons), forest area (area in square meters), CO2 emissions (emissions in kilograms), Indian species that have gone extinct during the year, India net population, deaths/births (total this year), air pollution (contaminants released in tons), and desertification (area lost this year in square meters). We will change the ownership from Population Communication and the Gillespie Foundation to an Indian NGO that can provide additional information on each of the population, resource and environmental indicators. Information will be given to the user of the app on specific actions that can be taken in the public and private sectors. Once the India app is accurately developed, we will prepare similar apps for all the countries where we focus our activities.

Bob Gillespie
Gillespie Foundation